Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And The Bachelor Begins

I LOVE The Bachelor. The show and the literal bachelor himself, Juan Pablo. He's dreamy. I tuned in Sunday and Monday night to be a part of the action, drama, and awkwardness. And the previews for the upcoming season were very promising to provide us lots of that...and crying. Probably too much crying. Here is a list of my favorite girls thus far.

1. Lucy aka Free Spirit aka Flower Child (as I like to call her): She is SO freaking funny. I love weird people and she's right up there with the top weirdies. Her bio of Free Spirit was extremely accurate and I love when she twirls around. Who is brave enough to actually not wear shoes? Or make up? On television. Not me. Every time the camera panned to her she looked like she was the queen of her lala land. This chick is going to make the season. I think she will be HIGHLY entertaining. I stalked her insta and she is also friends with Kate Upton so that's cool I guess. As fond of her as I am there is actually no way that she ends up with Juan Pablo. Nope. Can you imagine flower child as a mother?!

2. Andi: Babe town USA that's all I have to say. Plus she had a simple dress which I love and am all about.

3. Mama: Due to the fact that Juan Pablo referred to her as mama I am going to too. She seems extremely sweet and easy going. My type of lady.


1. AMY J: WTF. Does she get pleasure from giving massages? Why was she airplane feeding the camera? I felt extremely uncomfortable watching her.

2.  Chelsie: No rational reason why, she just bugs.

3. Lauren: I had to look up her name because I missed it due to the high amount of crying she was doing. All I have to say is she must have a lot of other issues going on in her life if she is that upset over going home on the first night. Poor thing.

4. Top cringe worthy/awkward moment: When Kylie thought she was called to accept a rose. AWK, AWK, AWK! I was dying. Literally I felt so sad for her. My dad almost started crying. He hates the show because he feels so bad for the girls that get rejected. Tender hearted man.

I know all of this is very judgemental and I know first hand from having bachelor friends how edited the show can be BUT I can't help it. I'm sure they're all nice ladies and I mean no harm in anything I say. So here is yet another list of positive things about them that I've learned from Instagram.

Amy J: I'm sorry I can't compliment you because your profile is private but you have big pretty eyes.
Chelsie: You like chocolate and will run for it. Props.
Lauren: You have an amazing stomach.
Kylie: You've met Steven Tyler and I feel so bad for you so I love you.

PS: For further Bachelor related posts visit Jaclyn Swartz's blog (former bachelor and bachelor pad contestant and one of the funniest people I've ever met)

PSS: Here are the girl's Instagram names...stalk away.
1. Lucy Aragon: @lucyaragon
2. Andi Dorfman: @andi_dorfman
3. Mama aka Renee Oteri (fine I found out her name): @floridaray18 (private)
4. Amy Jokinen: @amyjokinen
5. Chelsie Webster: @chelsiewebby
6. Lauren Higginson: @lohigg
7. Kylie Lewis: @kyliemlewis