Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Hate the Word Nose Job

I do. It sounds so weird to me. But, that's what I had done. I've always been insecure about my nose. I can remember being in 6th grade and hating it. When I would go to a movie I would put my hand up by the side of my face and rest it there so nobody would see my profile. Around February of this year I decided I really wanted to get my nose fixed. I went and met with a surgeon and that was all it took. I knew I was going to do it and I wanted it done literally the next day. I told a few of my close friends and family that I was having it done and it was a good mix of positive and negative answers. They would say, "What if you don't like it? What if something goes wrong?" My only thought was that if I didn't do it I would always wonder what my nose could've looked like. If it turned out ugly, oh well, I already hated the way it looked. My mom was awesome. She left the decision up to me and never told me not to do it, that it was too expensive, or anything negative. I love her for that (and many other reasons, obviously). My dad wasn't the happiest about it. What father is happy with their daughter choosing to go under the knife to change her face? He didn't believe I was going to do it until the morning of. Surprise! It really is happening.

Scheduling my surgery date was tricky. I wanted it done as soon as possible but I was in school and working part time. I decided to do it a week before spring break. I missed an entire week of school and work. Then had the whole week of spring break to continue to heal. People told me a lot of horror stories about plastic surgery...why do they even call it that? One of my teachers told me not to do it. She said her sister had done it and it was complete hell. I nodded along with her stories and told her I'd think about backing out. But I lied. There was nothing to think about. I had done my research and watched many YouTube videos from other people who had had Rhinoplasty (correct medical term). I was doing it.

March 4th was the big day. I was so excited. I had to be to the surgeon's office at 9:00am and I didn't go into surgery until after 11:00am. After filling out paper work, meeting with the surgeon, getting all my IV's, and telling the anesthesiologist some great stories about my life, I was out. The surgery took roughly 2 hours. I woke up and felt fine; a bit on the drowsy side. I could feel some pressure on my nose but that was all. When I woke up the surgeon was standing above me. Before I'd gone into surgery I had asked them to keep my phone somewhere close so I could use it when I got out. The nurses told me I wouldn't want it. When I woke up I remember saying, "I told you I'd want my phone." Good thing I had it or we wouldn't have these gems.

I feel like holding my iPhone over my face was not the best idea for my newly reconstructed nose.

Everyone was so worried about the healing process. I looked like I was in so much pain but I honestly can say I wasn't. I had pain killers and I think I slept for a week straight. Sleeping was a bit difficult at first. I had to sleep with my mouth open and with my head propped up. I had a splint on the top of my nose and 8 inches of gauze shoved up into my nose. My mom slept with me every night because she was worried I was going to stop breathing. Bless her. Anytime I felt any pain I would take something and away it went. This is why people gasped when they saw me. 

I don't blame them. I look extremely rough. I was SO swollen. My nose was swollen, my eyes were swollen into my head, my face was turning yellow from the light bruises I was getting, and my face was shiny and oily. But really, I felt fine. It was like a vacation because I got to relax for 2 weeks. And do what I love most, sleep. 

I had my surgery on a Monday, got my gauze pulled out of my nose on Wednesday, and got my splint off Friday. It was all very fast and the surgeon was surprised at how quickly I was healing. Every week my swelling would go down. I knew it could take up to a year to heal and now I'm 3 months short of a year! It's crazy. I'm so glad I did it. It keeps looking better and better everyday. I'm not embarrassed about my surgery. If anything, I want people to know that I had it done. I think if you aren't happy with something you should fix it. As long as it's for you and you only. Whatever will make you a happier, more confident person is worth doing. 

 If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask. 


This is backwards. Before is on the right, after is on the left.

 I was not planning on sharing these videos, they are crap, and I'm basically talking to myself in them. But, I wanted to share my experience with anyone reading this. Again, I apologize for the bad video quality and the sound being a bit off. Anyway, here they are. 

Don't mind my wet hair. Or the fact that I'm out of it. Daphne (my sister) finds this video hilarious.

Sorry about the sound quality.

Noob status.

Thanks for reading and watching!


  1. oh my gosh i LOVE that you posted about this! i seriously do. who did you go to? i would love to talk to you about this sometime! xo

    1. Text or call me anytime 435-671-8303! I went to Bryan Sonntag, he is in Sandy! Here is his website http://www.plasticsurgeryofutah.com.

  2. I totally sympathize with what you said. Words are just words. In fact, you really shouldn't have to explain it. However, your blow-by-blow account should help in at least providing contexts as why facial surgery is an option for a lot of people. That should help those who may find themselves in the same spot you were, yet couldn't find a way out. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    Cordell Legaspi @ Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center

    1. I agree with you 100%. Thank you for your comment and support! xo

  3. I know it's been nearly a year or so since you've posted this, but time flies and a lot of substantial arguments and convictions can pass by. With that, you have set things in stone. Even if you may have a whole other view of your nose job somewhere down the line, you can always have this as reference to how a lot of it was pure will, and for a reason. Kudos to you! :)

    Glenn Lowe @ Knight and Sanders

  4. People will always have their opinions. In the end, it’s your own decision that you’ve got to live with for the rest of your life. Had you chose to listen to their negative responses and didn’t go through the surgery, you’d still probably be pondering about the what-ifs and could’ve-beens. I’m glad you got exactly the results you wanted. Cheers!

    Carol Baker

    1. Exactly! It can be a very scary thing and a tough decision to make but I know if I wouldn't have done it I still would be wondering what could of been. Thank you so much!

  5. Hey there! I'm a senior and getting my surgery pretty soon and I'm curious about how long after your surgery the picture of you in the blue plaid was taken? Your after picture looks fantastic as well! Can I also ask how long after surgery that was? Thanks!

  6. Hi! Ok so it's been almost 5 years since I had my surgery BUT, I think the picture in the blue plaid was a week maybe 2 after. That was the day I got the cast off. It was the best decision I ever made! Seriously text me with any questions:) 435.671.8303

  7. And also, it took a full year to fully heal and for all of the swelling to go down. The after picture was probably taken about 2 months after surgery:)

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  9. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Just keep writing this kind of posts.The time which was wasted in traveling for tuition now it can be used for studies.Thanks Rhinoplasty Malaysia

  10. Amazing post you are looking very beautiful and content is also very informative. thanks for sharing it with us. I also have a site about Nose Fillers .

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thank you for sharing with us. want to know more aboutNon Surgical Nose Job in Dubai

  13. It was so beautiful. I really can't say anything. Thanks for the nice article.
    "nose job Boston"
