I commented on one of Casey Shteamer's Instagram photos with high hopes that she would respond to me. I asked her if she would be willing to do an interview with me and to e-mail me if she was interested. Being the sweetheart that she is, she responded right away and sent me an e-mail agreeing to do an interview. She even used the word HONORED. I'm telling you, she may be one of the nicest people I've interacted with.
I first became a fan of Casey's when she apeared on season 16 of The Bachelor. (Also Ben's season. Still not a fan.) I have always wanted to steal her wardrobe and now I can (kind of) because she is now a fashion blogger! {Insert party emoji} Sadly, we live in different states and couldn't do our interview in person so we did a unique interview through e-mail. Thank goodness for the internet.
Madi: What was your favorite and least favorite part about being on The Bachelor?
Casey: I actually loved being on the show. My favorite part was definitely getting to know everyone. I loved being there and filming it, not as much watching it. I would say my least favorite part was being cut off from my family and friends. But in a way, it is such a unique experience. I just threw myself in and knew that in time I would get to see and talk to them again as much as I wanted.
M: Do you still watch the show? If so, who is your favorite and who do you think will win over Juan Pablo's venezualan heart?
C: I will be 100% honest with you. I used to always watch the show, since Trista Sutter's season, I have been a dedicated fan. However, after being on the show, I am not as big of a fan anymore and I dont know why. It just doesn't seem to keep my attention like it used to. I have been watching this season for the most part. I really like Nicky for Juan (who happens to be from my hometown!). Seems like after Monday, the girls weren't that into her, but I think they really seem to have a connection.
M: If you could've chosen a Bachelor from another season to be The Bachelor of your season who would it have been?
C: Oh I LOVED Travis (the guy on that doctor show now). He was soooo dreamy back in the day. I remember watching it with my college roommates and being so jealous I couldn't have him!
M: Was it hard for you to be confined in a house with 24 girls, no phone, no internet, no nothing? I feel like, for me, it would be nice to get away from everything.
C: I mean, the nature of it is very different than how we have become accustomed to living our lives these days. But knowing that it will suck, it really wasn't all that bad. It was kind of fun in a way actually. I like just casually hanging out in big groups and that is pretty much all we did. It made it so people didn't just go hole up in their rooms with a book or on the phone, and I liked that aspect of it.
M: What made you want to go on The Bachelor? Are you as into the show now that you've been a part of it?
C: I am obsessed with new experiences. I love putting myself in weird situations, and this TV show seemed to be a great one. I was open to the show, but I didn't go in thinking "Oh, I'm going to find my soulmate". I think that is naive. I went in thinking, "This should be interesting. Let's see what happens."
M: When you were sent home there was a little bit of drama going on. You were accused of having a boyfriend at home. How much of that was real?
C: Everything they showed was real. I had no idea they were coming to get me and talk to me. I really did get dropped off at the hotel with no shoes (if anymore remembers that) and then my stuff arrived later. I was really confused why they were pulling me aside since I didn't have a boyfriend haha. I did have a guy back home that I still had feelings for though. So that upset me because I felt like they were lying to me. But what they didn't show, is that I had said in my interview that day that I was going to tell Ben I was going home at the rose ceremony that night. I didn't feel right being there any longer because I had decided I wasn't into Ben. I don't know if me saying I was going home in my interview made them do something differently with my departure considering after I told them that they came to kick me off a couple hours later. But I'll never know. Nor does it really matter. I wasn't sad to leave Ben because I was already planning on leaving and they knew that. I just didn't appreciate how it all went down.
M: How did you come up with the name of your blog, Imperfect Wonder? Which I'm in love with. I feel like it's really hard to come up with a blog name! Was it hard for you or did you know from the get go what you would call your blog?
C: Yeah, coming up with a name is hard! My name came from the song,"Snow" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Anthony Kiedis (who I am obsessed with, btw) sings,
'Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow'
When he says 'perfect wonder' I just love it. I, however, am the antithesis of perfect. So I decided to call my blog "Imperfect Wonder". It just seemed fitting, as it encompassed my imperfection as well as a wonder for the surrounding world.
M: So amazing! Do you have a celebrity "fashion icon"
C: Oh gosh, I love Nicole Richie, Rachel Zoe, Sienna Miller, Elin Kling, Cara Delevingne, Alexa Chung, Kate Bosworth, Olivia Lopez, I could go on...
M: What is your go-to outfit that you would wear everyday if you could?
C: Hmm, that's tough. One of my favorite thing is wearing something new and different everyday. I feel like there aren't enough days to wear everything I want to wear! But it would have to be a really well fitting, low cut, baggy tank with a great pair of black jeans, and black pointy ankle boots with maybe a black leather jacket--at least for now.
M: I love your natural look. I'm like you, messy hair is the best. A minimal amount of make-up is the best. You are such a natural beauty you pull that natural look off so well. I know a lot of people love your hair. Is it natural or do you do something special to it?
C: Ha, well that is nice of you to say! I have been hating my hair lately! I never learned the how-to's of hair and make-up so the reason my hair is always so messy is literally just because I don't know how to do it! I would think my hair would be like silk since I blow-dry it about 5 times a year. However, somehow it is still rather damaged. Ugh. Anyway, my goal for this year is to learn how to apply make-up and do my hair. I mean, I am 28 - I should probably know how to do a blowout.
(Side note: I feel like I should learn how to do a blowout too. They are so hard.)
M: What stores do you find yourself shopping at most?
C: Urban Outfitters. I am always there. They have great sales. My budget doesn't allow me to be shopping at Shopbop and Nordstrom all the time. Although, I do splurge here and there. Nastygal has been steadily creeping up on my love list as well. I think it might be #1 soon.
M: Current obsession? Fashion wise.
C: Black jeans. It's not crazy, but it's a staple. Also, pointy-toed boots. I have never been one to keep up with fashion weeks and designers so who knows if those are in or not, but I am loving them right now. Oh, and oversized camel coats. In Chicago, you have to get into coats.
M: You have such a hott body. Do you exercise and eat really well or are you genetically blessed or both?!
C: Again, thank you! I feel otherwise, but I will take it! I don't really exercise to be honest but I have decided I am going to start in April....ha. We will see if that actually happens. I am lucky to have thin genes but I also try to eat well. I got into the whole raw foods movement several years ago and read lots and lots of health books and studies. It turned me on to a very holistic living approach. Unless I am indulging, I try to be all natural and organic when I can. I look at the labels of everything and try to very rarely buy packaged foods. I never buy snack foods or breads for home but going out to dinner always does me in!
Follow Casey on Instagram @marycasey27 & you MUST follow her BLOG http://www.imperfectwonder.com/ you can thank me later.
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